Indiana Jones Quarry

In the early 20th century sandstone was mined from this hill and used to make paving stones. Getting inside takes a long descend down one of the former mine cart exits. It ends up in the big main hall that’s about 150 metres wide and 500 metres long, is circa 20 degrees angled and has several levels and corridors. The unique thing about this mine is that many sections of rail and a number of mine carts still remain! At the lowest point water collected and formed an underground pond. For support large pillars have been carved out of the sandstone. 

I decided to get creative and make some torches for our group. Then I though: “why not do some fire breathing too?”. I hadn’t done lightpainting for quite some time so it took a while to get it right again. Photographing with slow shutter speeds takes up a lot of time.When I was finally in good form again I heard my buddies say that they were done photographing. Damn! We took a quick group photo with the torches and I did some fire breathing, then we went for the climb back up to the entrance. We left tired and with aching muscles, but with a big smile on our faces!